Wisty Bear - Copyright, intellectual property law, protects original artworks
Wisty Bear - Light Waves Media LLC, respects the intellectual property rights of others and asks you to please respect our creative artwork as well. We like to inspire folks; however, our beautiful original artwork is from years of experience and lots of hard work and learning.
Thank You.
Copyright Notice and Policies
Section A
​Copyright Notice
©Wisty Bear- Light Waves Media LLC, All Rights Reserved
All original works of art on this website are the exclusive copyrighted works of Light Waves Media LLC and may not be used without permission and/or payment of valid licensing and usage fees. Any redeployment or reproduction of any content featured on this site without prior express written authorization of the copyright owner is considered unauthorized usage and is prohibited.
Section B
To Obtain Authorized Usage Permission
If you are interested in using any of the images and/or content on this website in any manner, please contact Wisty Bear- Light Waves Media LLC to discuss your personal or commercial use project, and we would love to work with you and design a proper licensing agreement to meet your needs and budget.
Section C
Definition of Unauthorized Usage
Unauthorized usage includes, but is not limited to, any or all the following actions performed without payment to the copyright holder or written permission from Wisty Bear- Light Waves Media LLC the copyright holder:
Saving or downloading images - Printing of images
Sharing of images other than through official "share" buttons for Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter, which must include a link back to www.WistyBear.com in the share.
Reproducing the images in any manner:
Downloading, cropping out the logo/watermark, and sharing as your own work on any website or in any publication Displaying images on any website, advertisement, or in any publication. Displaying images "mocked up" on a product shown on any website, advertisement, or publication.
Section D
Fees for Unauthorized Usage
In the event an individual, company or organization uses any of the images and/or content by Wisty Bear- Light Waves Media LLC on this website {or by Light Waves Media LLC from any of our official licensee websites} in an unauthorized manner as defined above, the individual, company or organization responsible for the unauthorized usage hereby agrees:
To pay the copyright holder, Wisty Bear- Light Waves Media LLC a fee of $5,000 USD per image/content for the first image/content violation.
To pay the copyright holder, Wisty Bear- Light Waves Media LLC, a fee of $5,000 USD for each additional unauthorized use of said image/content.
In addition, the individual, company or organization using images in an unauthorized manner automatically agrees for any website, store, web host, company, organization or publisher where infringing material is still located to immediately take the following actions on their behalf:
(a) Remove each instance of the infringing material
(b) Turn over all records of any sales for unauthorized images
(c) Forward a total of all funds currently being held from sales of infringing material directly to the copyright holder, Wisty Bear- Light Waves Media LLC
Section E
Legal Fees
In the event an individual, company or organization using images or content in an unauthorized manner refuses to comply with the above agreement and provide payment of all fees as listed above, legal action will be pursued, with the individual, company, or organization infringing on the Light Waves Media LLC copyright fully agreeing to pay all applicable court costs, fines, and attorney's fees associated with said unlawful use and copyright violation.
Thanks we appreciate you.